Thursday, October 28, 2010

living in the teenage dream world!

it is all about 'social acceptance'.

when you're pretty/fashionable/gorgeous, you're popular and everybady will try to fit in as everything that you do will not ever be disputable as people like you are considered 'always do the right thing!'...

you're bookworm, you're nerdy thing although you are being normal as a student to pass everything with flying colours and make something good out of it after you graduate...

you're follower, whatever the other people do or think you'll do the same as you think they are 'cool' and you should be in that way... 'punk', 'indie'..bla...bla..

you're different-lets don't get near you...

you're just being you-Hypocrite-they'll say

do-gooder!-sincerely for others or for the purpose of pursuing what you aimed for...

self centered-owh please: there's no room for people like you in this world!

noisy: you always whining though you didn't make something out of it

thus, these where you're belong, you've been accepted as you shared the same as other have. Not accepted? create new and start recruiting; maybe shall start with, 'people who do not posess either of these abovementioned'....

XOXO: living in the teenage world is temporary but, the life you've made out of it will last forever!

p/s: tah apa2...

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